commandbox-ssg v0.2.0 (CommandBox Modules)

box install commandbox-ssg
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-04-24T14:56:23+00:00") }} | Installs: 32 | Views: 1,570 | Versions: 20

CodeChecker CLI v1.4.0 (CommandBox Modules)

The CLI for CodeChecker

box install commandbox-codechecker
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-04-23T19:16:28+00:00") }} | Installs: 23,149 | Views: 6,670 | Versions: 17

PresideCMS CommandBox Commands v7.0.4+0000081 (CommandBox Modules)

Commands to help with PresideCMS development.

box install preside-commands
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-04-12T13:11:54+00:00") }} | Installs: 13,697 | Views: 7,232 | Versions: 39

fixinator v4.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)

A CommandBox command for scanning CFML code to find security issues.

box install fixinator
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-04-05T15:32:55+00:00") }} | Installs: 41,810 | Views: 7,634 | Versions: 51

CommandBox FusionReactor v5.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)

Adds support to start your CommandBox servers with FusionReactor

box install commandbox-fusionreactor
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-04-01T18:31:33+00:00") }} | Installs: 113,302 | Views: 19,359 | Versions: 61

Wheels CLI Commands v3.0.12 (CommandBox Modules)

Wheels CLI Commands for CommandBox

box install wheels-cli
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-04-01T15:08:11+00:00") }} | Installs: 1,311 | Views: 26 | Versions: 5

ColdBox CLI v7.4.0+9 (CommandBox Modules)

The official CLI for the ColdBox Framework

box install coldbox-cli
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-03-20T09:46:32+00:00") }} | Installs: 1,456 | Views: 832 | Versions: 13

ContentBox CLI v1.6.0+3 (CommandBox Modules)

The official CLI for the ContentBox Modular CMS

box install contentbox-cli
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-03-19T11:34:39+00:00") }} | Installs: 2,591 | Views: 3,824 | Versions: 21

S3 CommandBox Commands v0.1.4+0000002 (CommandBox Modules)

Commands to help with Amazon S3 integration on the CommandBox commandline and package management.

box install s3-commandbox-commands
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-03-11T13:58:17+00:00") }} | Installs: 362 | Views: 2,183 | Versions: 2

TestBox CLI v1.4.0+21 (CommandBox Modules)

The TestBox CLI will assist you with running, reporting and generating tests

box install testbox-cli
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-02-29T09:59:09+00:00") }} | Installs: 2,290 | Views: 636 | Versions: 25

bookmarks v1.5.0 (CommandBox Modules)

A CommandBox module that allows for directory bookmarking.

box install commandbox-bookmarks
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-02-18T17:10:13+00:00") }} | Installs: 191 | Views: 3,937 | Versions: 11

CommandBox DocBox Commands v2.2.0+2 (CommandBox Modules)

CommandBox command for generating API docs from the command line via DocBox

box install commandbox-docbox
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-02-13T20:21:20+00:00") }} | Installs: 107,360 | Views: 5,922 | Versions: 10

commandbox-cflint v2.4.0 (CommandBox Modules)

CommandBox command for running CFLint

box install commandbox-cflint
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-02-09T13:50:42+00:00") }} | Installs: 59,369 | Views: 7,703 | Versions: 14

commandbox-apiman v1.2.4 (CommandBox Modules)

A curl-like command for commandbox

box install commandbox-apiman
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-12-08T20:44:28+00:00") }} | Installs: 31 | Views: 351 | Versions: 7

Ecosystem Testing v0.0.82 (CommandBox Modules)

A tool to configure an ecosystem of multiple projects from multiple repos, typically for a feature testing process.e

box install ecosystemTesting
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-09-25T21:32:24+00:00") }} | Installs: 107 | Views: 916 | Versions: 27

CommandBox Semantic Release v4.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)

Automated releases for CFML applications

box install commandbox-semantic-release
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-08-25T18:45:52+00:00") }} | Installs: 6,758 | Views: 4,312 | Versions: 50

CFConfig CLI v1.10.7 (CommandBox Modules)

A CLI library for importing, exporting, transferring, and otherwise managing CF engine configuration.

box install commandbox-cfconfig
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-08-18T15:04:45+00:00") }} | Installs: 643,960 | Views: 32,876 | Versions: 120

CommandBox cbPlaywright v1.1.4 (CommandBox Modules)

Support and commands for cbPlaywright

box install commandbox-cbplaywright
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-07-18T23:05:20+00:00") }} | Installs: 1,647 | Views: 1,046 | Versions: 7

CFMigrations Commands v5.2.1 (CommandBox Modules)

Run your cfmigrations from CommandBox

box install commandbox-migrations
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-06-23T09:04:04+00:00") }} | Installs: 43,604 | Views: 13,557 | Versions: 48

CommandBox Bullet Train v1.4.2 (CommandBox Modules)

A cool zsh-inspired prompt customizer for CommandBox 4.0

box install commandbox-bullet-train
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-06-21T14:07:55+00:00") }} | Installs: 6,731 | Views: 12,509 | Versions: 25

CommandBox Host Updater v1.10.1 (CommandBox Modules)

Adds the host name you assign to a CommandBox server to the hosts file.

box install commandbox-hostupdater
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-06-20T20:57:29+00:00") }} | Installs: 86,861 | Views: 10,660 | Versions: 18

CommandBox dotenv v2.4.0 (CommandBox Modules)

Convention approach to adding environment variables to JVM args for CommandBox.

box install commandbox-dotenv
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-05-16T23:11:26+00:00") }} | Installs: 425,283 | Views: 16,778 | Versions: 27

cfformat v0.19.0 (CommandBox Modules)

A CommandBox module for formatting CFML component files.

box install commandbox-cfformat
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-04-13T20:38:19+00:00") }} | Installs: 313,027 | Views: 17,238 | Versions: 86

JavaFX Demo v1.0.4 (CommandBox Modules)

Demo of JavaFX bundled in CommandBox

box install javafx-demo
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-04-11T19:43:49+00:00") }} | Installs: 81 | Views: 1,923 | Versions: 5

CommandBox Ngrok v2.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)

Commands to share the current server via ngrok

box install box-ngrok
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-02-16T20:17:23+00:00") }} | Installs: 506 | Views: 9,427 | Versions: 12

Advent of Code Automation Runner v0.0.7 (CommandBox Modules)

Automatically retrieve your daily Advent of Code input and submit your answers.

box install wdm-aoc
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-12-01T18:50:51+00:00") }} | Installs: 17 | Views: 811 | Versions: 5

AWS IMDS Expander v1.0.6 (CommandBox Modules)

CommandBox AWS IMDS Expander Module

box install commandbox-awsimds
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-10-04T16:25:30+00:00") }} | Installs: 419 | Views: 613 | Versions: 3

CommandBox CI/CD Templates v0.8.3 (CommandBox Modules)

Generate infrastructure-as-code files for your target cloud platform.

box install commandbox-cicd-templates
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-09-07T04:49:25+00:00") }} | Installs: 55 | Views: 2,010 | Versions: 28 v1.0.11 (CommandBox Modules)

non-intrusive collaborative debugging and data streaming

box install nerdvision
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-08-10T08:34:12+00:00") }} | Installs: 1,247 | Views: 5,824 | Versions: 14

commandbox-jasper v0.18.0 (CommandBox Modules)

box install commandbox-jasper
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-07-21T02:32:06+00:00") }} | Installs: 284 | Views: 3,049 | Versions: 18
Showing 1 to 30 of 84 entries (3 pages)

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