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v1.5.0 CommandBox Modules

Bookmarks for CommandBox

Bookmarks allow you to bookmark directories and commands for easy access.


Install bookmarks using commandbox:

CommandBox> install commandbox-bookmarks

Bookmark List - list existing bookmarks

CommandBox> bookmark list

Bookmark Add (+) - add a new bookmark

Name (optional) - Defaults to current folder name.
Path (optional) - Fully qualified or relative file path (eg: C:\projects or ../../). Defaults to current file path.
Lastcommand (optional) - Grabs the last command run from commandbox and stores it to a bookmark

CommandBox> bookmark add [name] [path/command]
CommandBox> bookmark add Home c:\projects
CommandBox> bookmark add Home "echo 'hello'"
CommandBox> bookmark add Home --lastcommand
CommandBox> bookmark add
CommandBox> bookmark + 'My Bookmark'

Bookmark Delete (-) - delete an existing bookmark

Name (optional) - Defaults to current folder name.
Path (optional) - Fully qualified or relative file path (eg: C:\projects or ../../). Defaults to current file path.

CommandBox> bookmark delete [name] [path]
CommandBox> bookmark delete Home
CommandBox> bookmark delete
CommandBox> bookmark - 'My Bookmark'

Bookmark Goto / Goto - go to a bookmarked path

Name - Name of bookmark.

CommandBox> bookmark goto <name>
CommandBox> goto <name>
CommandBox> goto Home

Bookmark Clear - delete all saved bookmarks

CommandBox> bookmark clear

Bookmark Profile - switch between profiles

Name (optional) - Defaults to default.

CommandBox> bookmark profile <name>
CommandBox> bookmark profile foo

Default Bookmark Profile - <root of 'box' binary>/

This is handy if you use ForgeBox to sync between different environments with different directory structures.

Name (optional) - Defaults to default if not included. If you set the Name to 'system.user', the active system account name will be used.


Bookmarks as a Variable - ability to refer to a bookmark as a variable

Name - Name of bookmark.

CommandBox> echo ${bookmark.<name>}
CommandBox> echo ${bookmark.Home}

$ box install commandbox-bookmarks

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