CFTaxjar v0.2.1 (Modules)

CFML wrapper for the Taxjar API

box install cftaxjar
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2019-09-25T07:29:07+00:00") }} | Installs: 1,417 | Views: 1,473 | Versions: 2

cbMeilisearch v1.1.0 (Modules)

API wrapper for Meilisearch

box install cbmeilisearch
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-02-09T21:54:49+00:00") }} | Installs: 120 | Views: 1,719 | Versions: 4

Preside Extension Send Grid v1.0.0 (Preside Extensions)

Preside Extension for Send Grid Mail API

box install preside-ext-sendgrid
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2018-08-18T02:08:42+00:00") }} | Installs: 2,008 | Views: 1,738 | Versions: 1

cbFacebookSdk v1.1.0 (Modules)

ColdBox module to interact with Facebook api

box install cbFacebookSdk
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2017-03-25T00:01:26+00:00") }} | Installs: 705 | Views: 3,875 | Versions: 2

Mollie CFML v0.5.6 (Modules)

Mollie CFML is a CFML library for interacting with the Mollie API.

box install molliecfml
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-06-18T14:26:59+00:00") }} | Installs: 133 | Views: 865 | Versions: 9

Mailchimp List v1.0.0 (Projects)

A simple wrapper around some of MailChimp's List API.

box install Mailchimp-List
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2016-06-10T01:08:40+00:00") }} | Installs: 2,482 | Views: 4,746 | Versions: 1

PresideCMS Extension: PDF Viewer v1.1.0 (Preside Extensions)

Embed PDF files using the Adobe PDF Embed API

box install preside-ext-pdf-viewer
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-09-26T10:16:43+00:00") }} | Installs: 17,610 | Views: 1,529 | Versions: 6

Mailgun.cfc v0.6.0 (Modules)

A CFML wrapper for the MailGun API

box install mailguncfc
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-04-18T21:58:19+00:00") }} | Installs: 755 | Views: 2,903 | Versions: 8

TwilioAPI v1.0 (Plugins)

A ColdBox interface to the Twilio REST API.

box install TwilioAPI
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2016-06-09T01:19:54+00:00") }} | Installs: 5,730 | Views: 7,121 | Versions: 1

OpenCage Geocoder API v1.0.0 (Modules)

This module provides a wrapper for the OpenCage Geocoder API

box install OpenCage
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2019-11-19T16:54:54+00:00") }} | Installs: 13 | Views: 2,438 | Versions: 1

REST HMVC Template v7.4.0+13 (MVC)

A modular API RESTFul template

box install cbtemplate-rest-hmvc
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-05-10T11:13:13+00:00") }} | Installs: 16,072 | Views: 4,075 | Versions: 64

cfMailerLite v0.1.1 (Modules)

A CFML wrapper for the MailerLite API

box install cfmailerlite
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2019-10-05T17:16:18+00:00") }} | Installs: 1,787 | Views: 1,538 | Versions: 2

algolia.cfc v2.0.1 (Modules)

A CFML wrapper for the Algolia API

box install algoliacfc
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2018-06-20T05:39:27+00:00") }} | Installs: 549 | Views: 1,765 | Versions: 2

GoogleIndex v1.1.0 (Modules)

A ColdFusion CFC to interact with the Google Indexing API, including full OAuth2 flow for service accounts

box install googleindex
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-12-07T08:49:36+00:00") }} | Installs: 114 | Views: 1,564 | Versions: 2

cfPlaid v1.1.0 (Modules)

Plaid API wrapper for CFML

box install cfPlaid
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-01-28T21:45:20+00:00") }} | Installs: 94 | Views: 1,245 | Versions: 14

giphy.cfc v0.1.2 (Modules)

A CFML wrapper for the GIPHY GIF API

box install giphycfc
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2020-01-27T20:05:23+00:00") }} | Installs: 65 | Views: 1,601 | Versions: 2

cbSwagger v3.1.1+10 (Modules)

A Coldbox Module which automatically generates api documentation from your configured SES routes

box install cbSwagger
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-06-05T17:52:58+00:00") }} | Installs: 196,688 | Views: 16,145 | Versions: 50

Stripe CFML v3.6.0 (Modules)

Stripe CFML is a CFML (Lucee and ColdFusion) library for interacting with the Stripe API.

box install stripecfml
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-02-02T19:25:50+00:00") }} | Installs: 15,661 | Views: 6,308 | Versions: 35

eversigncfc v1.0.3 (Modules)

A CFML wrapper for the Eversign e-signature API

box install eversigncfc
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2020-11-23T20:09:21+00:00") }} | Installs: 146 | Views: 2,592 | Versions: 4

TinEye ColdBox Module v1.1.2 (Modules)

A module for using TinEye photo search API

box install tineye
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2022-03-03T16:51:58+00:00") }} | Installs: 5,098 | Views: 1,638 | Versions: 4

aylien.cfc v0.5.2 (Modules)

A CFML wrapper for the Aylien Natural Language Processing (NLP) API

box install ayliencfc
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2020-01-28T16:16:51+00:00") }} | Installs: 69 | Views: 1,687 | Versions: 6

mailchimpV3 v1.0.0 (Modules)

A feature complete Mailchimp Api 3.0 Wrapper for Coldfusion Coldbox.

box install mailchimpV3
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2017-09-11T10:35:07+00:00") }} | Installs: 4,646 | Views: 2,149 | Versions: 8

cfboom-adminApi v1.1.0 (Modules)

A convenient service to access the ColdFusion Admin API.

box install cfboom-adminApi
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2017-06-25T00:50:18+00:00") }} | Installs: 2,257 | Views: 1,714 | Versions: 2

ForgeBox SDK v1.1.0+17 (Modules)

A module that connects any application to the API

box install forgeboxsdk
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2018-08-14T16:46:52+00:00") }} | Installs: 20,112 | Views: 2,862 | Versions: 6

TowerData Coldbox Module v1.0.1+0001 (Modules)

A ColdBox Module for using the TowerData email validation API.

box install towerdata
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2021-01-15T15:10:11+00:00") }} | Installs: 5,050 | Views: 1,136 | Versions: 2

Amazon SES Plugin v1.0 (Plugins)

A Plugin to interact with Amazon Simple Email Service REST API

box install Amazon-SES-Plugin
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2016-06-09T01:21:45+00:00") }} | Installs: 3,051 | Views: 4,246 | Versions: 1

Recaptcha Google v3.0 v3.0.0 (Modules)

The Invisible reCAPTCHA. It provides a viewlet to add it to any form, the API interface and a Validator for use with cbvalidation

box install recaptcha3
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-06-07T15:33:06+00:00") }} | Installs: 1,763 | Views: 3,421 | Versions: 14

Sendgrid SDK v1.5.3 (Modules)

An API for interacting with SendGrid, including sending emails and receiving webhooks

box install sendgrid-sdk
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-03-19T18:01:07+00:00") }} | Installs: 12,466 | Views: 4,017 | Versions: 15

DocBox v4.2.1+3 (Projects) Org Package

CFC API Documentation generator for ColdFusion (CFML) using JavaDoc conventions

box install docbox
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2024-02-13T21:02:28+00:00") }} | Installs: 76,022 | Views: 10,821 | Versions: 27

The ColdBox Paginator v2.8.2 (Modules)

This module builds a pagination struct for API responses and custom data tables.

box install cbpaginator
Last Update: {{ getFullDate("2023-07-27T21:01:18+00:00") }} | Installs: 223,846 | Views: 5,831 | Versions: 11
Showing 61 to 90 of 305 entries (11 pages)

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