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PresideCMS Bootstrap 5 Basic Web Skeleton

v1.0.8 Preside Skeletons

What is this?

A skeleton PresideCMS application shipped with Bootstrap 5.3.3 and corresponding Bootstrap Icons 1.11.3 to be used as a pretty cool starting point for most responsive mobile-first web applications.


This package should be installed using the preside new site command from CommandBox rather than directly. See PresideCMS Commands. Also you can run the preside new site preside-skeleton-bootstrap5 directly.


used Libraries

Living on the edge! This skeleton is using the following libraries:

- Bootstrap Version 5.3.3 via [CDN]([email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js)
- Bootstrap Icons Version 1.11.3 via [CDN]([email protected]/font/bootstrap-icons.min.css)


Feel free to use the included main.less file and the gulp taskrunner. Compile the less-file with lessc main.less to the directory /assets/css/src/. Run the gulpfile by typing the gulp assemble command. Make sure to have installed the following modules:

- gulp-clean-css
- gulp-rename
- gulp-hash-filename
- gulp-clean

18.2.0 (October 26, 2023)


  • updated to version 5.3.2

Bootstrap Icons

  • updated to version 1.11.1
  • switched to minified version


  • cleanup
  • gitignore node_modules
  • bugfix stickerbundle

$ box install preside-skeleton-bootstrap5

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  • {{ getFullDate("2021-02-05T08:38:38Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2024-08-01T13:57:06Z") }}
  • 2,964
  • 2,185