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ColdBox Relax

v4.1.1+184 Modules

Build Status


RELAX = RESTFul Tools For Lazy Experts!

What is Relax? ColdBox Relax is a set of RESTFul tools for lazy experts. We pride ourselves in helping you (the developer) work smarter and ColdBox Relax is a tool to help you document your projects faster. ColdBox Relax provides you with the necessary tools to automagically model, document and test your RESTFul services. One can think of ColdBox Relax as a way to describe RESTFul web services, test RESTFul web services, monitor RESTFul web services and document RESTFul web services–all while you relax!


Apache License, Version 2.0.


  • Lucee 5+
  • ColdFusion 2016+


Use CommandBox to install:

box install relax


You will need to update the your ColdBox.cfc with a relax structure under the moduleSettings struct with your preferred settings for Relax.

moduleSettings = {
	relax = {
		// The location of the relaxed APIs, defaults to models.resources
		APILocation = "modules.relax.models.resources",
		// Default API to load, name of the directory inside of resources
		defaultAPI = "myapi",
		// APIs to be excluded from display - may be a list or an array and items may include Regex
		exclude         = "",
		// History stack size, the number of history items to retain in the Relaxer test tool
		maxHistory = 10


You can look at the samples inside of this module under the models/resources directory. To start you can copy the Relax.cfc into your own project folder and then start spicing up the API via the RelaxDSL methods.

Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp | |


Because of His grace, this project exists. If you don't like this, then don't read it, its not for you.

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. ." Romans 5:5


"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me (JESUS)" Jn 14:1-12


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.1.1] => 2020-SEP-09


  • New changelog standards
  • Github release publishing of changelogs
  • New formatting scripts


  • ColdBox 6 compat on build links

[4.1.0] => 2020-MAY-07


  • Converts the UI from a BackboneJS implementation to VueJS
  • Performance improvements in rendering large APIs
  • Theme and nested objects updated for better meta/list rendering and display


  • Adds additional support for OpenAPI v3 schema definitions ( content, items )
  • Adds auto-generation of examples from schema from examples defined within items/properties, when not explicitly provided
  • Adds a module setting to exclude APIs from display listings


  • Removes the direct export of PDF documents due to lack of HTML5 support w/in CFDocument. Export button now routes to HTML after providing PDF print instructions
  • Additional OpenAPI v3.x support



  • Added suport for OpenAPIv3 requestBody schema
  • UI enhancements to sample code displays in HTML format

[4.0.0] => 2019-OCT-02


  • Open API v3.x Support
  • CBSwagger v2.x Support


  • Migrated to use ColdBox 5 routers
  • Multiple UI Fixes on missing fonts


  • cbswagger updates to version 2.0 to stay compliant with OpenAPI Spec
  • Dropped ACF 11 Support
  • Moved to use ColdBox modulesettings instead of root relax struct in the config/ColdBox.cfc. Just move your configuration into the moduleSettings struct.


  • Updated all JS libraries
  • Updated npm libraries
  • Updated grunt to leverage new locations of module template
  • CommandBox Readiness for static assets
  • Fix console logs left behind
  • Dropped lucee 4 support
  • Added acf2018 support
  • module layout updates
  • Fixes on module root when embedeed in app


  • Bumps cbjavaloader dependency version to ^2


  • Fixes cbswagger dependency tracking


  • Adds integration with cbswagger module to introspect application RESTful route metadata


  • Fixes a bug where POST methods were passing a conditional key used in preHandler
  • Fixes a bug where Relaxer auth password was being transmitted as username
  • Fixes an issue where Relaxer history became unusable because of bad response
  • Fixes an issue where form parameters where not being interpreted correctly by the Relaxer Service


  • Standardizes OpenAPI specification
  • Relax DSL marked as deprecated ( EOL @ 4.0.0 )
  • ACF Compatibility updates
  • PDF/HTML Export strategy updates
  • UI Bug fixes and enhancements
  • Relaxer Test Tool UI and history replay improvements
  • ACF Compatibility updates
  • Performance enhancements for OpenAPI doc parsing
  • Improvements to $ref parsing and recursion
  • Relaxer service not sending form data correctly
  • Refactoring of Relaxer to support typed API on calls to HTTP
  • Relaxer not sending http proxy ports
  • Relaxer not sending right name for params
  • PDF Export Capabilities


  • Migrates core OpenAPI parsing to swagger-sdk module
  • Implements one-click route population and testing in API test tool
  • Misc bug fixes and additional support for recursion


  • [RELAX-25] - SSL support for assets
  • Converts development workflow to user Grunt/SASS/RJS Optimizer
  • [RELAX-5] - Implements OpenAPI Specification as Relax default
  • Implements backward compatiblity for RelaxDSL
  • [RELAX-3] - Relaxer is now async
  • [RELAX-11] - Relaxer functionality is now rendered in-page
  • [RELAX-7] - Udates DSL Documentation to use dynamic JS Templating
  • Documentation loading is now async
  • Adds OpenAPI specification documentation
  • Exports for Trac and WikiMedia are now async
  • Import issues resolved and converted to async
  • Converts code highlighter from SyntaxHighlighter to Prism.js


  • [RELAX-22] - Updated build scripts for using DocBox
  • [RELAX-23] - Travis CI integration for tests
  • [RELAX-24] - Update of all dependencies of the shell tester
  • [RELAX-21] - Update StringBuffer to StringBuilders
  • [RELAX-4] - Remove dependency on sessions
  • [RELAX-12] - Sample API is excluded
  • [RELAX-20] - The Resource URL changes for every code change, updated internal hash to pattern hash
  • [RELAX-1] - Implement display and DSLDoc modeling modifications to the Relax module
  • [RELAX-17] - Make test shell full URL rewritable
  • [RELAX-18] - Ability to view resource details from doc viewer


  • Updates on box.json and locations
  • Updated readme
  • Updated full skin assets
  • Included sample resources in build
  • Navigation fixes
  • Module Standalone route generation


  • Fixed resource headers, as they are not showing


$ box install relax

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4.91 / 11
  • {{ getFullDate("2011-02-03T16:59:52Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2020-09-09T14:11:16Z") }}
  • 16,844
  • 178,544