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Facebook Conversions - CFML

A CFML wrapper for the Facebook Conversions API. Record Facebook conversions using their Server-Side API.

Feel free to use the issue tracker to report bugs or suggest improvements!


This project borrows heavily from the API frameworks built by jcberquist. Thanks to John for all the inspiration!

Table of Contents

Quick Start

The CFC only has one method, used to send events to Facebook. Here's how you use it, along with the helper component for building events:

fbc = new pixelId = 'xxx', accessToken = 'xxx' );

event = new
  .email( '[email protected]')

res = fbc.sendEvent( event );
writeDump( var='#res#', abort='true' );

Setup and Authentication

To get started with the Facebook Conversions API, you'll need an Pixel ID and Access Token.

Once you have these, you can provide them to this wrapper manually when creating the component, as in the Quick Start example above, or via environment variables named FACEBOOKCONVERSIONS_PIXEL_ID and FACEBOOKCONVERSIONS_ACCESS_TOKEN, which will get picked up automatically. This latter approach is generally preferable, as it keeps hardcoded credentials out of your codebase.

Reference Manual

There is only one method:

sendEvent( required any event )

Send an event to Facebook. The parameter event expects an instance of the helpers.fbevent component, but you can construct and provide the struct/json yourself if you prefer.

Reference Manual for helpers.fbevent

The reference manual for all public methods in helpers/fbevent.cfc can be found in the docs directory, in

Unless indicated, all methods are chainable. To better understand how these work, you'll want to read the documentation regarding Event parameters.

$ box install fbccfml

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  • {{ getFullDate("2021-04-29T21:10:27Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2022-05-10T20:42:25Z") }}
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