BoxLang 🚀 A New JVM Dynamic Language Learn More... IP Address lookup API with Coldbox module bindings

v1.0.0+0000004 Modules IP Lookup API

For CFML Application with Coldbox bindings


This project provides CFML applications with a lightweight abstraction of the IP lookup service: Lightweight means:

  • No caching your application can and should take care of caching results
  • No error handling your application should handle any unexpected errors from the http call to the api. I'm lazy and this utility does the bare minimum

A note on free vs paid-for account: you can use the API without an API key for "free" usage which includes 10,000 IP lookups per-month as of January 2023 - based on source IP and http referrer. Certain features are not available with the free tier and commercial usage is also not allowed. See the website for further details:


For coldbox applications, install as a module with box install cbwhois. For anything else, manually download from the releases page and unzip somewhere sensible in your project.

Using the API wrapper

Usage can be summarized as:

  1. Get an instance of the CFC
  2. Optionally set defaults
  3. Make calls using the lookup( ipAddress ) and bulkLookup( ipAddresses, apiKey ) methods

1. Get an instance

For Coldbox applications

Inject as a dependency with: inject="whoisApi@cbwhois. For example:

property name="whoIsApi" inject="whoisApi@cbwhois";

// ...

var result = whoIsApi.lookup( ipAddress );

For non-Coldbox applications

Get an instance of the component by instantiating the /models/WhoIsApi.cfc component:

// assumes you have the code in a /cbwhois directory
// in your project. Adjust the example given your own
// installation choice:
var whoIsApi = new cbwhois.models.WhoIsApi();

// ...

var result = whoIsApi.lookup( ipAddress );

Configure defaults

For Coldbox applications

In your Coldbox application's config file, you can set the following module settings to set defaults:

moduleSettings.cbwhois.defaultApiKey   = "your-api-key"; // recommend to inject using environment variables
moduleSettings.cbwhois.defaultFields   = ""; // if empty, all fields are returned by default
moduleSettings.cbwhois.defaultLanguage = ""; // if empty, en is used as default
moduleSettings.cbwhois.defaultTimeout  = 1; // seconds
moduleSettings.cbwhois.defaultReferer  = ""; // potentially useful to segment your usage stats - use a different referer per application

For non-Coldbox applications

Once you have an instance, you may optionally set defaults using setter methods on the instance:

// assumes you have the code in a /cbwhois directory
// in your project. Adjust the example given your own
// installation choice:
var whoIsApi = new cbwhois.models.WhoIsApi();

whoIsApi.setDefaultApiKey( "your-api-key" ); // recommend to inject using environment variables
whoIsApi.setDefaultFields( "" );             // if empty, all fields are returned by default
whoIsApi.setDefaultLanguage( "" );           // if empty, en is used as default
whoIsApi.setDefaultTimeout( 1 );             // seconds
whoIsApi.setDefaultReferer( "" );            // potentially useful to segment your usage stats - use a different referer per application

// ...

var result = whoIsApi.lookup( ipAddress );

Calling the API methods

There are two methods, lookup() and bulkLookup(). Bulk lookup requires an API key. Usage arguments are illustrated here:

lookup( ipAddress )

// bare minimum, uses defaults for all other arguments
var result = whoIsApi.lookup( ipAddress );

// all arguments manually set, overriding any defaults
var result = whoIsApi.lookup(
	  ipAddress        = ipAddress
	, apiKey           = apiKey
	, fields           = "region,security,rate"
	, lang             = "de"
	, referer          = "my-app"
	, timeout          = 10 // seconds
	, getSecurityInfo  = true // only available at certain whois api account levels, api key required
	, getRateUsageInfo = true // only available at certain whois api account levels, api key required

bulkLookup( ipAddresses )

// bare minimum, uses defaults for all other arguments
var result = whoIsApi.bulkLookup( [ ipAddressOne, ipAddressTwo, ipAddressThree ] );

// all arguments manually set, overriding any defaults
var result = whoIsApi.bulkLookup(
	  ipAddresses      = [ ipAddressOne, ipAddressTwo, ipAddressThree ]
	, apiKey           = apiKey
	, fields           = "region,security,rate"
	, lang             = "de"
	, referer          = "my-app"
	, timeout          = 10 // seconds
	, getSecurityInfo  = true // only available at certain whois api account levels, api key required
	, getRateUsageInfo = true // only available at certain whois api account levels, api key required


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository. Project releases can also be found and installed from Forgebox


This project is licensed under the GPLv2 License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.


The project is maintained by The Pixl8 Group. The lead developer is Dominic Watson.

Code of conduct

We are a small, friendly and professional community. For the eradication of doubt, we publish a simple code of conduct and expect all contributors, users and passers-by to observe it.

$ box install cbwhois

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  • {{ getFullDate("2023-01-28T17:06:12Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2023-01-28T17:06:12Z") }}
  • 1,056
  • 19,564