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ColdBox Templating Language

v2.0.0+23 Modules

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Welcome to the ColdBox Templating Language

The ColdBox templating language is inspired by Twig and implemented on top of the Java Engine Pebble - This templating language will allow you to leverage the ColdBox conventions and MVC methodology to your view layer and completely decouple yourself from any CFML in your views.

The ColdBox Templating Engine is fully featured and adheres to the Twig syntax and Pebble Extensions. Please follow the templating language documentation here:


This project was sponsored by IDG Media Services as one of our ColdBox Sponsors. So thank you so much for your patronage and continued support:


Apache License, Version 2.0.


  • Lucee 4.5+
  • ColdFusion 11+


Just drop into your modules folder or use the box-cli to install

box install cbt


Create a moduleSettings structure with a cbt element with the following settings:

moduleSettings = {
    cbt = {
        // If in strict mode, exceptions will be thrown for variables that do not exist, else it prints them out as empty values
        strictVariables     = false,
        // Sets whether or not XSS escaping should be performed automatically, defaults to true.
        autoEscaping        = true,
        // Enable/disable all templating cache
        cacheActive         = false,
        // Activate localization or not, default is false
        i18nActive          = false,
        // Sets the default Locale passed to all templates constructed by the pebble engine.
        defaultLocale       = "en_US",
        // By default, Pebble will trim a newline that immediately follows a Pebble tag
        // For example, {{key1}}\n{{key2}} will have the newline removed.
        newLineTrimming     = true,
        // Bind the ColdBox Flash scope
        bindFlash           = true,
        // Bind the session scope to templates
        bindSession         = true,
        // Bind the cgi scope to templates
        bindCGI             = true,
        // Bind the request scope to templates
        bindRequest         = true,
        // Bind to the request's HTTP Request Data elements
        bindHTTPRequestData = true,
        // The default cbt templating language template extension
        templateExtension   = ".cbt"

IDE Support

The following packages will give you twig syntax highlighting support. We recommend you install them to support cbt natively in your IDE. Just make sure you associate the .cbt extension with the Twig language:


This module will register the templating engine in WireBox as engine@cbt which you can use to inject it anywhere you would like rendering to occur.

property name="cbt" inject="engine@cbt";

The main rendering methods in the engine are renderTemplate( template, context, module ) and renderContent( content, context):

* Render out a template using the templating language
* @template The template to render. By convention we will look in the views convention of the current application or running module. This can be also an absolute path.
* @context A structure of data to bind the rendering with, so you can access it within the `{{ }}` or `{{{ }}}` notations.
* @module If passed, then we will bypass lookup for templates and go to the specified module to render the template from.
string function renderTemplate( 
    string template='', 
    struct context={},
    string module=''

* Render out from a-la-carte content instead of from files.  Internally, we will use the RAM file resource
* to stream the intermediate content
* @content The twig content convert
* @context A structure of data to bind the rendering with, so you can access it within the `{{ }}` or `{{{ }}}` notations.
string function renderContent( required string content, struct context={} );

Note: You can optionally bind a context structure to the template, which will allow you to access data/objects in the top level scope of the templates.

Your twig compatible templates will be binded with a structure called context that will contain all the top-level variables the cbt module exposes plus all custom variables you pass into the templates. By default, the cbt module will bind many ColdBox conventions and variable scopes. Please see the next section for more information.

Rendering by Conventions

You can skip to the ColdBox Conventions section below for further in-depth review, but using the renderTemplate() method allows you to pass in a template name and internally we will discover it using the same ColdBox conventions as event.setView() and renderView(). The only difference, is that you can also pass in an absolute path template and we will bypass the lookups and just use the template for rendering:

// By Convention
return cbt.renderTemplate( "main/index" );

// By Absolute Path
return cb.renderTemplate( "/my/path/long" );

Rendering From Modules

You can use the module argument to render templates directly from any ColdBox module. This is the same as using the module argument in event.setView() and renderView() methods in ColdBox. This bypasses the lookup procedures and renders directly from a module.

Rendering On Demand

You can also render on-demand templating by passing the content as a variable instead as a file. Internally, we will stream your content uniquely to file in the cbt/models/tmp directory and then sent to the pebble engine for conversion.

savecontent variable="local.onDemand"{
        <h2>On-Demand Renderings</h2>
        {{ 'Rendering from OnDemand Baby' | upper }}
        {{ max( 20, 100 ) }}
        Today is {{ now | date( 'yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm: ss' ) }}
        BaseURL: {{ baseURL }}

prc.onDemandContent = cbt.renderContent(
    content = onDemand

Including/Inheritance with Relative Paths

The templating language allows you to include or extend from other templates. You can use relative pathing or absolute pathing. All relative paths will start with .\ or going back a level ..\.

Top Content
{% include "./advertisement.cbt" %}

Bottom Content
{% include "../tags/footer.cbt" %}

{% extends "./parent.cbt" %}

Please note that when you are in the templates, you MUST specify the .cbt or whatever the file extension is. In a future version, we might improve this.

Engine Access

If you would like access to the main Pebble rendering engine, you can call the getEngine() method:

pebble = cbt.getEngine();

Then go nuts with the Java Engine!

.cbt extension

By default, the extension we will look for in the templates is .cbt. This is configurable via the templateExtension settings. You do not need to append the .cbt extension when calling the renderTemplate() method.

cb.renderTemplate( "main/index" );

Important: You MUST use the extension when doing includes or template inheritance in the templates.

ColdBox Conventions

The cbt engine has been configured to work with your ColdBox MVC applications in many enhanced ways.

Rendering Conventions

By convention, the cbt language knows about your layouts/views and module views. So when you call the renderTemplate( template ) method it will take into account the context of execution: parent application or a module just like calling the event.setView() and renderView() methods in ColdBox.

function index( event, rc, prc ){
    // Get data = service.getData();
    // Render the main/index.cbt template
    return cbt.renderTemplate( "main/index" );

Template Bindings

By convention, the cbt language will bind the following variables into the templates:

// ColdBox Scopes
"rc"            = event.getCollection(),
"prc"           = event.getPrivateCollection(),
"flash"         = moduleSettings.bindFlash ? flash.getScope() : {},

// ColdBox Context
"now"                    = now(),
"baseURL"                = event.buildLink( '' ),
"currentAction"          = event.getCurrentAction(),
"currentEvent"           = event.getCurrentEvent(),
"currentHandler"         = event.getcurrentHandler(),
"currentLayout"          = event.getCurrentLayout(),
"currentModule"          = event.getCurrentModule(),
"currentRoute"           = event.getCurrentRoute(),
"currentRoutedURL"       = event.getCurrentRoutedURL(),
"currentRoutedNamespace" = event.getCurrentRoutedNamespace(),
"currentView"            = event.getCurrentView(),
"moduleRoot"             = event.getModuleRoot(),

// ColdFusion Scopes
"cgi"           = moduleSettings.bindCGI ? cgi : {},
"session"       = moduleSettings.bindSession ? session : {},
"request"       = moduleSettings.bindRequest ? request : {},
"httpData"      = moduleSettings.bindHTTPRequestData? getHTTPRequestData() : {},

// ColdBox Pathing Prefixes
"appPath"           = variables.appPath,
"layoutsPath"       = variables.appPath & "layouts/",
"viewsPath"         = variables.appPath & "views/",
"modulePath"        = "",
"modulesLayoutsPath" = "",
"modulesViewsPath"  = ""

This means that you can use {{ varname }} notation to access them in your templates. Please refer to the Basic Usage help page for further examples.

Since your cbt templates have no access AT ALL to CFML, this will force your templates to just do the view layer. All your event handlers must make sure to put in prc or rc the necessary variables for your views to use. Including content variables, other renderings, messageboxes, etc.

Including/Extending Dyanmically

As you can see from the bindings above, the templates are binded with several pathing locations which are essential for the templating language to find your templates when doing inheritance or includes:

  • appPath : The root path of the application
  • layoutsPath : The layouts path
  • viewsPath : The views path
  • modulePath : The current executing module's root path
  • modulesLayoutsPath : The current executing module's layouts path
  • modulesViewsPath : The current executing module's views path

You can then use them in your templates:

{% extends layoutsPath + "Main.cbt" %}

{% include modulesViewspath + "/tags/header.cbt" %}


This repository has different examples for renderings. Just look at them here:

Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Ortus Solutions, Corp


Because of His grace, this project exists. If you don't like this, then don't read it, it's not for you.

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. ." Romans 5:5


"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me (JESUS)" Jn 14:1-12



  • Removed server bindings, too problematic with serializations
  • Added slf4j 1.8 beta to avoid class loading issues with Adobe and Lucee engines
  • Upgraded literal template parsing by leveraging the new getLiteralTemplate() method on the new engine
  • Upgraded to Pebble 3.0.0 which introduces new features (, below are the major features:
    • Add support for 'as' and 'from' in import statement
    • Macros have access to all variables within the template and are no longer restricted to a "local scope"
    • String Interpolation
    • Render content on demand. Expose getLiteralTemplate(String templateName)


  • Updated to latest dependencies
  • Refactor /cbt/models/tmp to leverage the internal engine temp directories with tests
  • Renamed render to renderTemplate to avoid engine bifs collisions
  • Removed toJava conversions, too experimental and too slow
  • Added ability to render templates from modules on-demand: renderTemplate( template="", module="" )
  • Added ability to render templates from content variables via renderContent( content="", context="" ), this leverages file writing at the java tmp dir until pebble supports it on demand.
  • cleanup of servlet jar, this is not needed


  • Create first module version

$ box install cbt

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  • {{ getFullDate("2017-09-29T17:13:25Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2018-07-17T16:41:27Z") }}
  • 5,203
  • 4,876