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v2.1.1+8 Modules

Welcome to the cbJavaloader Project

This module will allow your ColdBox applications to class load different Java classes and libraries at runtime via the JavaLoader project. It also registers a WireBox DSL so you can easily inject Java classes into your objects using WireBox.


Apache License, Version 2.0.

System Requirements

  • Lucee 5+
  • ColdFusion 2016+


Just drop into your modules folder or use the box-cli to install

box install cbjavaloader

The module has a default folder called lib where any jars you drop there will be class loaded automatically. However, we recommend using the loadpaths setting for selecting an array of locations to class load, so when the module updates you won't lose those files.


The module registers the following mapping in WireBox: loader@cbjavaloader. Which is the class you will use to class load, append paths and much more. Check out the included API Docs for much more information. The main methods of importance of the java loader are:

  • create( class ) - Create a loaded Java class
  • appendPath( dirPath, filter) - Appends a directory path of .jar's,.classes to the current loaded class loader.
  • getLoadedURLs() - Get all the loaded URLs

WireBox DSL

The module also registers a new WireBox DSL called javaloader. You can then use this custom DSL for injecting direct java class loaded classes very easily:

property name="name"  inject="javaloader:{class-path}";
property name="hello" inject="javaloader:HelloWorld";
property name="buffer" inject="javaloader:org.class.path.StringBuffer";


Here are the module settings you can place in your ColdBox.cfc under an moduleSettings.cbJavaLoader structure:

moduleSettings = {
	cbJavaLoader = {
		// A single path, and array of paths or a single Jar
		loadPaths = [],
		// Load ColdFusion classes with loader
		loadColdFusionClassPath = false,
		// Attach a custom class loader as a parent
		parentClassLoader = "",
		// Directories that contain Java source code that are to be dynamically compiled
		sourceDirectories = [],
		// the directory to build the .jar file for dynamic compilation in, defaults to ./tmp
		compileDirectory = "models/javaloader/tmp",
		// Whether or not the source is trusted, i.e. it is going to change? Defaults to false, so changes will be recompiled and loaded
		trustedSource = false

Below is a simple example:

* My Event Handler Hint
	// Inject JavaLoader
	property name="javaloader" inject="loader@cbjavaloader";

	// Index
	any function index( event,rc, prc ){
		// creat a java class
		prc.hello = javaloader.create( "HelloWorld" ).init().hello();

	// Run on first init
	any function onAppInit( event, rc, prc ){
		// on application start, load up more jars
		javaloader.appendPaths( getSetting( "ApplicationPath" ) & "jars" );


Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp


Because of His grace, this project exists. If you don't like this, then don't read it, its not for you.

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. ." Romans 5:5


"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me (JESUS)" Jn 14:1-12


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.1.1] => 2022-MAR-09


  • Updated the setup-commandbox command to avoid having the included in the repo
  • Removal of server-*.json files on the final build
  • Updated github actions to latests module standards

[2.1.0] => 2022-FEB-04


  • More formatting rules
  • Migration to github actions
  • Updates from new module template

[2.0.0] => 2020-MAY-14


  • New module template support
  • ColdBox 5-6 Support
  • Modern Formatting


  • Lucee 4.5 Support
  • ACF11 Support

[1.5.0] => 2018-MAR-16

  • Updated interfaces for Coldbox 5 support
  • More local testing updates
  • Updated dependencies
  • Dropped cf10 support


  • Updated internal core Javaloader library to latest 1.2 release
  • Added automatic dynamic proxy class loading
  • Deprecating support for cf10


  • Cleanup of testing Application.cfc


  • Removal of security issues with Javaloader tags directory
  • Securing execution of Javaloader models
  • Updated to unified workbench


  • Travis Update Builds
  • Adobe CF 2016,11,10 compatiblity fixes


  • Adobe CF Compatiblity


  • Travis Updates
  • Changing the array of locations check so that it doesn't fail if a JAR file is passed in the array.
  • Readme Updates
  • ForgeBox2 Updates


  • Travis Integration
  • DocBox update
  • Build updates
  • CCM-17 Error handling broken in javaloader
  • CCM-12 loadpaths setting doesn't allow directory
  • Better documentation


  • Create first module version

$ box install cbjavaloader

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  • {{ getFullDate("2022-03-09T16:41:03Z") }}
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