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Utrust CFML

v1.0.1 Modules

Utrust CFML

Utrust CFML provides a wrapper for the Utrust crypto payments API.
Obtain an API key from
Check out the Utrust API documentation here:


box install utrustcfml


Check out the /examples folder for an example order and response.


The Utrust CFML wrapper consists of two models. The stores model is a singleton, used to create your order. The webhook model is a transient used to process the payload returned by the Utrust order callback.

The wrapper may be used standalone, or as a ColdBox module.


utrustStores = new models.stores(
	apiKey = 'UTRUST_KEY'


utrust = getInstance("stores@UtrustCFML");

alternatively inject it directly into your handler

property name="utrust" inject="stores@UtrustCFML";

When using with ColdBox, you'll want to insert your API key into your module settings:

utrustCFML = {
		apiKey = getSystemSetting("UTRUST_KEY", "")
	,	webhookSecret = getSystemSetting("UTRUST_WEBHOOK", "")
	,	environment = 'sandbox'

Create an order

To create an order, send your order JSON to the createOrder function and redirect to the URL provided by the API. More details are available at the Utrust API documention.

orderData = {
	'reference' : 'Order_#createUUID()#',
	'amount' : {
		'total' : '2172.00',
		'currency' : 'GBP'
	'return_urls' : {
		'return_url' : '',
		'cancel_url' : '',
		'callback_url' : ''
	'line_items' : [
			'sku' : 'ACF2018',
			'name' : 'Adobe ColdFusion 2018',
			'price' : '2172.00',
			'currency' : 'GBP',
			'quantity' : 1

customerData = {
	'first_name' : 'Your',
	'last_name' : 'Name',
	'email' : '[email protected]',
	'country' : 'GB'

orderResponse = utrust.createOrder(
		orderData 	= orderData
	,	customerData 	= customerData

try {
	location url="" addtoken="false";
catch (any e) {
	writeOutput('Error creating order');

Handle the callback payload

Crypto payments take a while to be confirmed on the blockchain. Once complete, Utrust will send confirmation to your callback URL. You can use the webhook object to confirm the signature and read the data.

utrustWebhook = new models.webhook(
		webhookSecret 	= 'WEBHOOK_SECRET'
	,	payload 	= ToString(getHTTPRequestData().content)

Or using ColdBox:

utrustWebhook = getInstance(name='webhook@utrustCFML', initArguments={payload = ToString(getHTTPRequestData().content)});

Validate signature - Will throw an error if the signature is invalid.



Written by Gary Stanton.

$ box install UtrustCFML

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