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ForgeBox API REST Wrapper

v2.0 Plugins
ForgeBox API REST Wrapper

Connects to forgebox for operations.  This plugin also uses logbox for debugging
and logging.  You must enable logbox for DEBUG level with the correct class name
if you want to add logging for this category only.

<Category name="myApp.plugins.ForgeBox" levelMax="DEBUG" />

or just add DEBUG to the root logger

<Root levelMax="DEBUG" />

You can use this wrapper to do the following:
  1. Get all entry types: getTypes()
  2. Get all entries according to parameters: getEntries()
  3. Get an entry according to entry slug: getEntry()
Drop in your plugins folder or in the ColdBox extensions location
Version 2.0
  • Updates to use latest API
Version 1.1
  • Fix for retrieving correct entry types
Version 1.0
  • Initial release

$ box install ForgeBox-API-REST-Wrapper

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5.00 / 1
  • {{ getFullDate("2009-12-04T17:57:21Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2016-06-09T14:11:25Z") }}
  • 8,644
  • 4,613